Nicky’s Treehouse
“Nicky’s Dreamland” reflects on his whimsical love of play, nature and learning. This magical multi-level world will transport children to a fully accessible fantasy “Treehouse” with butterfly and bird accent details.
No child is left behind!
As the focal point of the park, children will enjoy musical and sensory panels offering a variety of sounds to help build auditory and visual skills. Multiple slides, accessible via wheelchair transfer stations, provide opportunities for vestibular stimulation. The roller slide encourages sensory body awareness. The hollow log and wishbone balance beams become opportunities for balance, developing gross motor skills while experiencing proprioceptive stimulation.
Look n’ Find Panels and Fun Fact plaques will encourage children to search for local birds identified by the National Park Service as species likely to be seen in the area. This engaging activity is extremely beneficial to the non-verbal child as it builds communication skills. Our hope is to create the next generation of bird watchers/lovers as the children learn about their habitats, behaviors, diets and more!
The resilient surfacing will cushion any unexpected falls while linking play spaces. Benches and shading offer a comfortable place to rest and relax maintaining parent oversight.
budget: $631,000
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.”
~Mr. Rogers