WELCOME ~ Entry Gateway
After passing under the main entry sign, children and families will be welcomed by “Nicky”, a one-of-a kind Koala Bear. This whimsical concrete character, sporting a red baseball cap, was inspired by one of Nicky’s favorite keepsakes. Nicky will be surrounded by a seat wall and paving with colorful, indigenous bird details.
“Nicky” will become the playground’s photo opportunity for children to touch, hug and enjoy. Pretty soon people will be saying “Let’s meet at “Koala Nicky”.
Adjacent to the entry circle, children will discover the Music Sensory area on the left and to their right is an accessible walk/ramp, leading to the Treehouse themed main structure, named ‘Nicky’s Dreamland’.
budget - $54,000
A community that excludes even one member is not a community at all
~ Unknown