A Dream is Born.
On March 6, 2006, God blessed our family with a new addition, Nicholas “Nicky” Peña! Four and a half years later, on September 9th, 2010, He called Nicky home. During Nicky’s time with us, we learned so much about the meaning and significance of Love, and Family. The Del Rio community prayed for Nicky and supported our family in countless ways. “Nicky’s Dreamland” is our families way of saying thank you.
Nicky’s Journey…
Just after Nicky’s 3rd birthday, Nicky was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor.
He underwent multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and therapy to relearn basic functions like speaking, eating, sitting up, and walking. One day at the Ronald McDonald House, Nicky was sitting in his wheelchair watching children run and play. We asked him if he wanted to play with them. Unable to speak, he vigorously shook his head YES! We quickly learned that therapy could & should be PLAY. Nicky displayed an unusual thirst for life and unwillingness to let anything, even weather , stop his fun! One cloudy day in Del Rio while in remission, I was helping Nicky get dressed. He asked, “Mommy, what are we going to do today?” I looked out the window and replied, “ I don’t know; it’s dreary outside”. With a huge joyous smile on his face and wide spread arms, he said “It’s a beautiful day!” This is a perfect example of Nicky’s unfaltering positive attitude!
Why a Playground?
The year after Nicky passed, a wonderful friend of our family, Sharlene Perez, called as Nicky’s birthday was approaching.
We shared memories of his sense of humor and infectious laugh as well as his love of playing outdoors. She suggested we throw a birthday party at his favorite park. I quickly pointed out that kids like Nicky can’t play in the local playgrounds safely. After all how many kids in wheelchairs had we seen in Del Rio playgrounds? Sharlene said she had always wanted to build an accessible playground, and I said, “Let’s do it!”. At that moment, “It’s A Beautiful Day” was born!
Our community still does not have a 100% fully inclusive & accessible playground where children like Nicky can play alongside other children. Together we can change this, creating a play space where every square foot is accessible to children and adults of all mobility levels. A space where wheelchairs are not limiting! A space where parents and grandparents of all mobility levels can take their children/grandchildren to play! After all, if universally accessible playgrounds can be found all over the globe, we should have one for our kids!
Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration and the City of Del Rio joined us in our Dream of building Nicky’s Dreamland!
There isn’t a day that passes that Nicky isn’t missed desperately by our entire family. Please join us in making Nicky’s playground dream a possibility for all the children and adults in our community. Let’s plan on celebrating the Grand Opening of “Nicky’s Dreamland” Playground at Del Rio Sports Complex in 2021! It is possible — with your help! As Nicky would say to his fellow patients during Physical Therapy at Texas Children’s Hospital, “You can do it!”
Sabrina Peña, M.Ed. Co-founder of It’s A Beautiful Day & Nicky’s Mom
You can read more about Nicky’s Journey at his Caring Bridge Site